作者 | 标题 | 期刊杂志 | 时间 | 卷 | 期 | SCI/EI |
吴虎威 吴光强 | 基于准瞬态发动机模型的车辆传动系统特性分析 | 振动与冲击 | 2016.12 | 35 | 24 | EI |
牛治东 吴光强 | 电动汽车振动信号混沌特性 | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) | 2016.12 | 44 | 12 | EI |
张亮修 吴光强 郭晓晓 | 车辆多目标自适应巡航控制算法 | 西安交通大学学报 | 2016.11 | 11 | EI | |
张亮修 吴光强 郭晓晓 | 自主车辆线性时变模型预测路径跟踪控制 | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) | 44 | 10 | EI | |
黄焕军 张博文 吴光强 李凡 | 基于组合代理模型的车身多学科设计优化 | 汽车工程 | 2016.09 | 38 | 9 | EI |
吴虎威 吴光强 | Driveline Torsional Analysis and Clutch Damper Optimization for Reducing Gear Rattle | SHOCK AND VIBRATION | 2016 | 11 | SCI/EI | |
牛治东 吴光强 | 随机激励下汽车非线性悬架系统的混沌研究 | 振动与冲击 | 2016.09 | 35 | 17 | EI |
张亮修 杨家颖 吴光强 | 考虑侧倾的半主动悬架与电子稳定控制系统集成控制 | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) | 44 | 3 | EI | |
吴光强 王立军 | Application of Dual-blade Stator to Low-speed Ratio Performance Improvement of Torque Converters | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2016.02 | 29 | 2 | SCI/EI |
吴光强 郭晓晓 张亮修 | 汽车自适应巡航跟车多目标鲁棒控制算法设计 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 2016.01 | 48 | 1 | EI |
吴虎威 吴光强 | 机械变速器齿轮敲击现象建模及其影响因素 | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) | 44 | 1 | EI | |
牛治东 吴光强 | Response of Hysteretic Nonlinear system of vehcile suspension subjected to bounded nosie Excitation | Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science Edition) | 2015.10 | 43 | 10 | EI |
叶光湖 吴光强 | A Study on the simulation of semi-active Air suspension with Magneto-rheological damper | Automotive Engineering | 2015.05 | 37 | 5 | EI |
牛治东 吴光强 | chaos in nonlinear system of electric vehicle | Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science Edition) | 2015.03 | 43 | 3 | EI |
吴光强金书彝 | Combination of Test with Simulation Analysis of Brake Groan Phenomenon | SAE International | 2014.09 | 7 | 3 | EI |
吴光强黄焕军 | 基于分数阶微积分的汽车空气悬架半主动控制 | 农业机械学报 | 2014.07 | 45 | 7 | EI |
吴光强陈凯 | 基于遗传算法的液力变矩器与发动机匹配的多目标优化 | 汽车工程 | 2014.05 | 36 | 5 | EI |
吴光强徐炜卿 | 基于FFT与DFT相结合的频域分析方法及其应用 | 汽车工程 | 2014.01 | 36 | 1 | EI |
吴光强 杨伟斌 | Shifting Schedule and Torque Distribution Strategy for the Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2013.07 | 49 | 14 | EI |
吴光强 王平 | Multidisciplinary design optimization of vehicle instrument panel based on multi-objective genetic algorithm | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) | 2013.03 | 26 | 2 | EI |
吴光强 王雷雷 | Lockup Strategy Design of Automatic Transmission | 同济大学学报 | 2011.09 | 39 | 9 | EI |
吴光强 张松 郑松林 | Optimization on Shift Quality of Dry DCT Based on Cellular Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm | 汽车工程 | 2011.09 | 29 | 9 | EI |
吴光强 司建玉 | Software Architecture Design of Dual Clutch Transmission Control System | 同济大学学报 | 2011.07 | 39 | 7 | EI |
吴光强 张松 郑松林 | Mult-objective Optimization of Energy Management Strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle | 同济大学学报 | 2011.07 | 39 | 7 | EI |
吴光强 孙贤安 | Shifting Quality Evaluation System for Dual Clutch Transmission Vehicle | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2011.04 | 47 | 8 | EI |
吴光强 盛云 | Quantitative Study of Automotive Nonlinear Suspension System Based on Incremental Harmonic Balance Method | 同济大学学报 | 2011.03 | 39 | 3 | EI |
吴光强韩克非 | Calculation of Three Dimension Unsteady Rotor and Stator Interaction Flow in Torque Converter | Proceedings of the CSEE | 2011.02 | 31 | 2 | EI |
吴光强郑松林 王平 | Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Vehicle Body Structure Based on Collaborative Optimization and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2011.01 | 47 | 2 | EI |
吴光强韩克非 王立军 | Performance Optimization Analysis of the Effects of Pump Cascade Key Parameters on Torque Converter Based on Orthogonal Design | Proceedings of the CSEE | 2010.12 | 30 | 35 | EI |
吴光强张德明 | Shifting Rule Modification Strategy of Automatic Transmission Based on Driver-vehicle-road Environment | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) | 2010.06 | 23 | 3 | SCI/EI |
吴光强 | Status and Perspective on the Motion and Vibration Control of Road Vehicle | Keynote Speech, MOVIC 2010 | 2010.08 | |||
吴光强 李运超 | 基于虚拟试验场的后悬架疲劳分析 | 同济大学学报 | 2009.10 | 37 | 10 | EI |
吴光强 盛云 | 基于声学灵敏度的汽车噪声声一固耦合有限元分析 | 机械工程学报 | 2009.03 | 45 | 3 | EI |
吴光强 陈曙光 | 液力变矩器叶栅参数的优化研究 | 同济大学学报 | 2009.06 | 37 | 6 | EI |
孙贤安 吴光强 | 汽车无级变速器底层驱动系统设计与开发 | 同济大学学报 | 2009.09 | 37 | 9 | EI |
吴光强 方园 | Evaluation of road-induced interior noise of vehicle based on virtual experiment | International Journal of Vehicle Design | 2008.08 | 48 | 1-2 | SCI/EI |
吴光强方杰 | Full frontal impact virtual proving ground and body energy analysis | Vehicle System Dynamics | 2007.10 | 45 | 10 | SCI/EI |