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Master's speech

I, as an educator, have been devoting myself to the great career of becoming an excellent communicator of scientific knowledge, a guider of exploring the unknown and a shaper of descendants' soul. Striving for gathering water from oceanic knowledge to nourish saplings; inheriting the sunlight of truth to enlighten blooms is the everlasting aspiration of mine. To this end, I read - teach - write - book, ... Stars wheeled overhead, in the meantime,  Holding a heart to come, not to carry off half grass to go , only in order to fulfill the duty and mission.              ——Guangqiang Wu

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Director profile

  Guangqiang Wu, Fellow of SAE and ASME, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, he received his Ph. D. from Jilin University in July 1994, between August 1994 and August 1996 he was a postdoctor and associate professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, and from September 1996 to May 2000, he was an associate professor in Depart...